Monday, May 1, 2023

For Meg…
It has been a hot minute since I have sat down to write anything. It’s been a rollercoaster for me since 2019 but Meg sent me a text message with a memory of one of my blog posts from Facebook and said, “I miss reading these” …so here, I am.
In 2019, I thought God was FINALLY coming through for me and making all my dreams come true. Laughable now. Nightmare business partners crushed me. Followed by worldwide pandemic, universal lockdown and putting on a good 35-pounds of what I lovingly refer to as my COVID baby.
My first grandchild arrived in 2019. The pandemic kept me away from him for what seemed like the entirety of the first year of his life. BUT good things happened too. I got some quality time with my parents and although forced initially, I began to relish the time. Not all of it, of course. My father watches way too much girly television for my tastes but I know that was a beautiful gift of concentrated time that I will look back upon cherish.
The end of 2020 brought me into a new business partnership. Ironically, the partner I wanted in 2019 but was maneuvered away from. He must have been God’s plan for me all along, and He just made a way anyway. 2021 brought back the live auction. It was amazing to see all my road family and car people again. We had taken for granted our industry and the stability of our connections.
2022 I was finally able to belatedly celebrate my 50th at Disney World and just as I was feeling like myself again, God through a curveball so epic that I can only described the aftermath as gobsmacked.
I loved my little church in Boerne, Texas. I am pretty sure I have spoken before about how I believed that particular church was what Jesus meant church to be. It was full of loving, beautiful, kind, amazing, broken but healed people…until it wasn’t. Over the course of several years, under the surface a storm began to brew then rage until finally, a split.
I watched my Pastor announce the split during the 9th year birthday celebration of our church at the Saturday night service.  I watched him mourn the loss of these people…his people. People he loved and had poured his life into…I do not have words express what I witnessed that night, but the tears flowed freely down my face as I watched him come to terms with his loss. Broken heartedness. Pure, unadulterated sorrow. Grieving the destruction of what God had been building in that place, in us. Heart wrenching. EVERY. LAST. BIT.
I wasn’t sure that I had ever felt myself what he was feeling but in a few short weeks’ time, I would.
My pastor, Warren Beamer, was my friend long before he was my pastor. We served at Cornerstone together, but it was a mutual friend after his divorce that had brought us together and sown friendship into our relationship. I am not going to go into all that man was to me but just know that over time, he became my family. My brother.
April 1st brought the news that Warren had been called home and my heart along with those of his family, friends and all that loved him, BROKE. Faith and I were both calm on the phone as she told me of the accident but the moment we hung up, what welled up in my heart was wholly overpowering and I began to not just cry but mourn almost like you read about in the Old Testament. It was instinctive. Intense.
I am GOOD in crisis. I know how to keep moving in times of trouble like when blood is present or overwhelming stress might send others running for the hills and I tied that ability around me like a comforter when I headed to Baton Rouge to be with Faith, my girls, and his son. I kept that around me in the weeks to come during the funeral in Louisiana and the memorial back here in Texas. I moved freely about the cabin helping where I could, those I could and how I could but when I finally got back home to me…to my office, my life, my space…I was frozen. Unable and perhaps unwilling to move forward with any real effectiveness. But as it goes with life, time did not give me the luxury of what I thought needed, and I forced myself to stop feeling and MOVE.
Perhaps not the best decision for my mental health but maybe because getting out of my own head and starting to again address the needs of work and others helped me take one step until I could take many and on my own. I still tear up most times I think of him especially if I am alone and I have WAY too much LSU purple and yellow around for my Roll Tide heart but sharing with you here and others the absolute unconditional love Warren bestowed upon each and every person that crossed his path even if it was a single second is a LEGACY, I am unwilling to tarnish or allow to wither on the vine.
Warren used to say, “it’s a good day” even when he did not mean it because it was a truth revealed to him by God and it sowed in him the ability to LOVE even when he low. Love God. Love people. That’s the message Warren Beemer brought to the world. Simple. Profound. He taught me the nature of God (who is LOVE) by teaching me what it looked like in day-to-day practice to love without conditions, without borders, without regret.
For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will restore your fortunes and I will [free you and] gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,’ says the Lord, ‘and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.’ Jeremiah 29:11-14
Humanity tells us that there is no deeper longing than loss, but I disagree. The deepest longing is love. It is what we are all constantly running towards or from. The reason we work so hard or cannot work at all. It is why we sing and dance. The reason art existence. The reason we existence.
With deep love, I sought Him and I REQUIRED Him and found Him when I searched for Him with all my heart, and I found Him…but you know what? THIS is what He looked like to me: Meg sending me a book called, The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. Like finding a purple stone heart in my bed planted there by sister with a note that read, “even today is a good day”. Like the Hams saying, “you’re our Tif, now”. It looked like text messages and phone calls. It looked like hugs and kisses on forehead.

NEVER FORGET THAT YOU are His hands and feet. Love God. Love People. Simple. Profound. Harder than it looks. AND though these might not be the most eloquent words written by me; it is a re-start because LOVE.